Friday, August 28, 2009

Time to Go!

I take care of so many kids during the week that everybody learns to be independent quickly and also to help each other.

Isabelle has been independent for a long time. When she was about 18 months she started to eat by herself with a fork and spoon, get dress and even putting her socks on. I don't have to worry about her going potty because she can climb the toilet and go #1 and #2 now.

One day, we were getting ready to go so I said: "Time to go... get in the car and buckle up". When I was helping Isabelle to get in her car sit I noticed her little tiny feet :o) I love my little Issy she makes us proud... must of the time.

Yo cuido tantos niños durante la semana que todos aprenden a ser indepedientes rápidamente y también a ayudarse entre ellos mismos.

Isabelle ha sido independiente desde hace mucho tiempo. Cuando tenía 18 meses empezó a comer con tenedor y cuchara por si sola, vestirse y aún ponerse sus calcetas. No me tengo que preocupar cuando ella tiene que ir al baño ya que ella puede subirse en el inodoro e ir numero 1 y 2.

Un día nos estabamos alistando para salir y como siempre les dije a los niños: “Hora de irnos… vayan al carro y abróchense el cinturón”. Cuando estaba poniéndo Isabelle en su silla me dí cuenta de sus pequeños piecitos :o) Adoro a mi pequeña Issy, ella nos hace sentir orgullosos… la mayoría del tiempo.


{Alynn} said...

Awwww.... : ) I miss our night time snuggle sessions!

Ryan said...

oh, that made me laugh outloud! she's got it all down! kinda.... :)

Kristie said...

um, that was me, immer (kristie) not Ryan. I don't know why his user was signed in... he's not much of a commentator, so you probably guessed as much. :)