Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, Jeremy and the children cooked breakfast for me. They made crepes, corned beef hash and a peach shake. It was very good. My kids made flowers, cards and pictures to show their love for me :o)

Ariana wrote a poem... I really like it!

Some moms might receive real flowers, jewerly, clothes, etc. from their husband and children, but not me... I got masking tape! Why? Well, for many years one of the things that disappears in our house is the tape. For some reason, every time that I need tape and look in the drawer, it's gone! When I ask who was the last one using it, of course, no one has touched it. They bought me 10 rolls as a Mother's Day Gift :o)

Girls' School Concert

Every year the children have a school concert. The girls like to be part of this event because they enjoy singing {even though, they aren't talented with pretty voices :o)} I love going to them and see all the children singing the songs they've learned through the year. All of us are proud parents!

Cada anio la escuela de los chicos tiene un concierto de musica. A las ninas les gusta ser parte de este evento porque ellas disfrutan cantar {aunque cantar no es un talendo que ellas tienen :o) } I mi me gusta ir y ver escuchar a los ninos cantar las canciones que han apredindo durante el anio. Nos hace sentir padres orgullosos!

Easter 2011

A friend from our ward invited a lot of families to go to her house for an Easter Egg Hunt. There were over 25 children in her back yard looking for eggs. They had a great time and afterwords everybody stayed to visit and eat some Easter treats.

Una amiga del barrio invito un monton de familias para ir a su casa para celebrar la Pascua. Habian mas de 25 chicos en su jardin buscando huevos. Ellos se divirtieron mucho y despues todos nos quedamos para visitar y comer. Ariana found a golden egg with a dollar inside!

After church on Easter day, we went to our grand-parent's house. Grandma cooked a delicious dinner for all of us. After supper we let the kids decorate some Easter eggs.

Despues de la iglesia en el dia de Pascua, fuimos a la casa de los abuelitos. La abuelita Kay cocino una cena deliciosa para todos. Despues de cener dejamos que los chicos decoraran huevos de pascua.

April Birthdays!

Our only son just turned 10! Andre is very special, Jer and I are so blessed for having a boy like him. On his birthday he opened some presents and went to school. A few days later he invited a couple of his friends for a sleep over. We had cup cakes and the boys played until late that night.

Nuestro unico varon acaba de cumplir 10! Andre es muy especial, Jer y yo hemos sido muy bendecidos al tener un nino como el. El dia de su cumpleanos, el abrio unos regalos y fue a la escuela. Unos dias despues invitamos a un par the amiguitos para quedarse la noche. Comimos pastelitos y los chicos jugaron hasta muy tarde esa noche.

One of his presents was a pellet gun... he loves it!

He likes shooting so I made target-cup-cakes for his party :o)


On her birthday she had a doctor's appointment for her 4-year-old check up. She wasn't happy when we found out that she needed 4 shots, two in each little arm. After the doctor she helped me to make cup cakes for her party.

El dia de su cumpleanos ella tuvo una cita con el doctor para su chequeo de 4 anios. Ella no estaba contenta cuando nos dijeron que necesitaba recibir 4 vacunas, dos en cada bracito. Despues del doctor ella me ayudo a hacer pastelitos para su fiesta.

Her sisters gave this monkey to Isy.
She likes Dora the Explorer!
She had a great birthday thanks to all our friends that came to celebrate with us!