Tuesday, January 26, 2010

André's First Time Scuba Diving

Jeremy is taking classes to be an Assistant Scuba Diver Instructor. He is allowed to take people in a pool to try scuba. On January 9th he had the opportunity to take André with him. We didn't have to rent any equipment because he could use all my gear. Jer talked to André the night before and explained to him a little bit about it.
He did fantastic being his first time. He is such a natural in the water. He learned to clear his ears, clear his mask, and worked hard keeping his buoyancy under control. He was in the water for 2 hours! He told Jer that he can't wait to go diving in the ocean... I think he will have to wait a few years for that.
Jeremy está tomando clases para ser un Asistente de Instructor de Buceo. Por hacerlo le permiten llevar personar a probar a bucear en una piscina. El 9 de enero él tubo la oportunidad de llevar André a bucear. No tuvimos que rentar equipo ya que él pudo usar el mio. Jer le explicó a André la noche anterior algunas cosas que debía saber al estar en el agua.
El lo hizo muy bien por haber sido su primera vez. André es muy natural en el agua. Aprendió a destapar sus oídos, limpiar su mascara y trabajó fuerte tratando de mantener su flotabilidad bajo control. Estuviern en el agua por 2 horas! El le dijo a Jer que no puede esperar hasta que pueda bucear en el oceano... el va a tener que esperar algunos anos para eso.

André getting ready to dive

Clearing his mask

Clearing his ears

Okay, ready to go in the deep part of the pool. It's 12 feet deep.Going into the deep water.
Playing torpedo with dad

Scuba students
Andre took this picture of Jer
Andre smiling
Well done son!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ariana's 7th Birthday

Our second child turned seven on January 10th. She was very excited about her birthday. She told us that for her birthday she wanted to go sledding on the snow. We planned a trip to Summit at Snoqualmie to make her wish come true. She loved every minute of that day. After that we got 2 dozens of yummy delicious Krispy Kreme donuts, we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Chevalier and to finish our day we had dinner at the Loer's home. It was a long and fun day for Ariana. Happy Birthday little princess!
Nuestra segunda hija cumplió 7 años el 10 de enero. Ella estaba tan emocionada por su cumpleaños. Ella nos dijo que queria ir a resbalar en la nieve. Planeamos un viaje a las montañas para hacer su deseo realidad. Ella disfrutó cada minuto de ese día. Después fuimos a comprar 2 docenas de donas de Krispy Kreme, pasamos a visitar a los abuelitos y por último fuimos a cenar a la casa de los Loers. Fue un día largo y divertido para Ariana. Felíz cumpleaños pequeña princesa!

André was so breve to go down this hill!

Isabelle got tired and cold after an hour of playing.

Rachel made a cake of Ariana

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas 2009

In December, Jeremy and I started a calendar advent for our family. Every day of the month we read a scripture related to Christ, a Christmas story, opened a surprise box, played a game or made a craft. Some days we took the kids for a ride to see Christmas lights or baked cookies for someone. The kids loved it. Every day after school they were excited to do our little activity and we were able to teach our kids the meaning of Christmas.

En diciembre, Jeremy y yo empezamos un calendario de Adviento para nuestra familia. Cada día del mes leímos una escritura relacionada con Cristo, una historia de Navidad, abrimos una caja sorpresa, jugamos un juego o hicimos una manualidad. Algunos días llevamos a los ninos en el carro a ver luces de navidad o hicimos galletas para alguien. A ellos les encantó. Cada día después de la escuela ellos estaban emocionados para hacer la actividad y a la vez tuvimos la oportunidad de ensenarles el significado de Navidad. For Christmas Eve we went to Issaquah to Jer's Grandparent's home. The kids got ready in the morning and waited all day for daddy to come home from work. We had a relaxing evening and a wonderful dinner prepared by Grandma Kay. After dinner we exchanged and opened presents.

Para Noche Buena fuimos a Issaquah a la casa de los abuelitos. Los chicos se alistaron en la manana y esperaron todo el día hasta que su papi llegó del trabajo. La pasamos bien y la cena fue deliciosa. Después de cenar intercambiamos y abrimos regalos.

Waiting for dinner

Isabelle received one of her presents before dinner. We thought she was going to be excited about it but we were wrong. She just stared at it and didn't ride on it. It took her awhile until she got comfortable around every body.

Isabelle recibió uno de sus regalos antes de la cena. Pensamos que le iba a encantar pero nos equivocamos. Sólo se le quedó viendo y no quiso montarla. Le tomó un buen rato hasta que ella se sintió cómoda con todos.

Dinner time

Presents time

On Christmas Day Jeremy went to play disc golf with Rob and André. I stayed home with the girls and cleaned up all the wrappers and toys. In the afternoon we took the kids to ride their bikes at Steel Lake Park. After that we joined the Loers for Christmas Dinner.

Para Navidad Jeremy fue a jugar disc golf con Rob y André. Yo me quedé en la cada son las chiquitas y limpiamos todos los papeles y regalos. En la tarde llevamos a todos a montar las bicicletas en el parqueo de Steel Lake Park. Después nos juntamos con los Loers a la Cena de Navidad.

Friday, January 1, 2010

December Road Trip

We have been trying to take the kids on a family outing once a month to explore the beautiful state we live in. This month Jeremy planned a daylong road trip to explore the beaches along Whidbey Island. We left at 6:30 in the morning, stopped at Rosario, Deception Pass, Fort Warden State Park where we explored the abandoned military fort. We also visited several other beaches before taking a ferry ride back home in the afternoon. The kids loved it and will remember it forever. Oh! Naomi threw up after being in the car for about 1 hour (Jer gave them fruit snacks for breakfast at 6:30 AM, nice honey!).

Nosotros hemos tratado de llevar a los niños a paseos una vez al mes para explorar las bellezas del estado en que vivimos. Este mes Jeremy planeó un paseo de todo el día para explorar las playas que se encuentran en Whidbey Island. Salimos de la casa a las 6:30 AM, paramos en Rosario, Deception Pass, Fort Warden State Park donde exploramos un fuerte military abandonado. También pasamos por otras playas antes de tomar el transbordador de regreso a casa. Los niños la pasaron muy bien y es algo que siempre van a recordar. Oh! Naomi vomitó después de andar en el auto por una hora (Jer les dió gomitas de desayuno a las 6:30 AM, nice honey!)
Rosario Beach
Mmmm... I don't look as good as my kids :o(Rrrrr...
Naomi found a dead Sandlance while walking around the beach.
North Beach, Deception Pass
Fastest water in Washington runs under this bridgeDeception Pass
Ariana likes to model :o)
Cannon at Fort Warden State Park
Look-out tower
While walking around the Fort we noticed Sea Lions at the beach, they were so close to us that we walked to the water. They were a group of 7 creatures.
Isy and I were walking up the hill and I said "Isy look at me, I want a picture of you", she responded "wait!" and at the top of the hill she turned around and said "now, I'm ready". Isn't she adorable?The bunkers were dark and had a echo so Isy was testing her voice!
Going back home we took the Ferry. Ariana, André and I went up to walk around. The rest of the mob stayed in the car.
We drove 512 miles this day! All the kids were exhausted, Isabelle was the first to fall asleep.