Thursday, June 4, 2009


This year Ariana and André had the opportunity to participate in track. They were so excited and begged me to sign them up. They practiced once a week after school for about month and a half and they had two meets.

Este año los Ariana y André tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en carreras por parte de la escuela. Ellos se emocionaron tanto que me rogaron que los registrara para las practicas. Tuvieron que practicar una vez por semana después de la escuela por más o menos mes y medio y tuvieron dos competencias.
André - Long jump
André - Salto largo
André - running
{he thought he got to the finish line and slowed down so, he was almost in last place :o( }
André - carrera
{él pensó que había llegado a la meta y empezó a parar, así que casi llegó en último lugar :o( } Ariana - Long jump
Ariana - Salto largo
Ariana - running
{she was in fourth place}
Ariana - carrera
{ella llegó en cuarto lugar}

1 comment:

NACJMAC said...

What great little athletes! They are getting so big- I'm sure they were great. Fun idea for them to run to use up all that energy kids have. Maybe that's what I need for my boys! Miss you all!