Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fun, Candy, Games and more Candy...

Last week the kids had a lot of fun on Halloween. We took them to the church activity where they got a lot of candy. Isabelle got lucky getting double candy just for being so cute. It was the first time for her to trick-or-treat and she did fantastic. She wasn't shy at all and she walked by every single car to ask for candy. The other kids already know the routine, so they pretty much went around the parking lot by themselves.

La semana pasada los niños se divirtieron mucho en las festividades de Halloween. Los llevamos a la actividad de la iglesia donde recibieron muchos dulces. Isabelle tuvo suerte de recibir el doble de dulces solo por ser tan chula. Fue la primera vez que ella lo hizo y le fue muy bien. No se portó tímida y caminó por cada uno de los carros pidiéndo dulces. Los otros niños ya saben la rutina, así que ellos caminaron solos por el parqueo.
After all that work the kids were very tired. Isabelle fell asleep on our way home.

Isabelle se quedó dormida después de todo el trabajo de pedir dulces.
Last Friday we had a Halloween party at our friends Rob and Rachel. They did a great job with the games, food, decorations and enternainment for kids and adults. Everybody had a good time there, specially the kids.

El viernes pasado fuimos a una fiesta de Halloween que nuestros amigos Rob y Rachel ofrecieron en su casa. Ellos pusieron mucho esfuerzo en los juegos, comida, decoraciones, entretenimiento para niños y adultos. Todos la pasamos muy bien, especialmente los niños.
After we ate and the kids decorated the cookies everybody went to "the cemetery" (back yard) looking for the hidden candy.

Después de comer y que los niños decoraron galletas, todos fuimos "al cementerio" (jardín tracero) a buscar los dulces escondidos.
What a inocent look... but, she actually represents her costume!
Que mirada tan inocente..., aunque ella de verdad representa su traje!


{Alynn} said...

What a fun Halloween... the kids look so cute! Isabelle is changing so fast! I knew Rob and Rachel would have another party - wish we could have been there!

NACJMAC said...

It's so fun to see your family and all the cute pictures! They are so adorable! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Miss you guys!

Stephanie said...

Yea! Immer I have been wondering when you would get into blogging! I love the pictures. It looks like Halloween was a major success!