Last month Aunt Jill invited to Long Beach for a couple of days. The weather was perfect! We had so much fun and they kids enjoyed playing at the beach, window shopping and they also rode a horse. We had the opportunity to see the cousins and their kids. It was a wonderful weekend. El mes pasado la tia Jill nos invito a ir a Long Beach. Estuvimosallasolamentepor dos dias y unanoche. El resort era muy bonito y comodo. El climaestuvoperfecto! Nos divertimosmucho y loschicosdisfrutaronjugando en la playa, iendo a lastiendas y tambienmontaronuncaballo. Tuvimos la oportunidaddever a losprimos y sushijitos. Fueun fin desemanafabuloso.
Amazing sand sculptures
Isabelle was so excited for the horses but when her turn came she got scared and didn't want to ride the little horse anymore.
Isabelle estaba tan emocionada for loscaballosperocuandofuesuturnoellaseasusto y no quisomontarelcaballo.
Okay, I have to explain something about this picture... I asked Isy (a few times) to turn so I could take a picture of her; she said... "wait" every time until she turned and said... "okay, I'm ready" and this is what she did:
Bueno, tengoqueexplicaralgosobredeestafoto... Le pedi a Isy (variasveces) quevolteara para tomarleunafoto; elladijo... "espera" cadavezhastaquevolteo y dijo... "estabien, estoylista" y esto es lo queellahizo:
Isy and her tiny body :o)
John and Jeremy visiting
Anthony flying a kite
Isy believes she can swim under water.
Isycreequepuedenadardebajodeagua.After playing at the beach Jill had plan a pinata and a mexican dinner.
Despuesdejugar en la playa Jill teniaplaneadouna pinata y unacenamexicana.Trying to break this huge pitana!
About a month ago Jeremy took Ariana to the pool to try on the scuba gear. She experienced breathing under water with a Regulator! She did pretty good but the water was too cold to stay longer. She said that she had a good time :o)
Hace un mes Jeremy llevo Ariana a la piscina para probar el equipo de buceo. Ella tubo la experiencia de respirar debajo del agua con el Regulador! Ella lo hizo muy bien pero el agua estaba muy fria para quedarse mucho tiempo. Ella dijo que la paso muy bien :o)
As a Christmas present, Bill (Jer's dad) gave us season passes for Wild Waves. We went for the first time at the end of May. It was great! no lines, we went on the rides as many times as we wanted. The water park opened in June but still to cold to play in the water though. The kids love going to this park and it's only 3 miles from our home. We have gone on every single ride including the water park. Their favorite is the wave pool! We love summer.
Como regalo de Navidad, Bill (el papa de Jeremy) nos dio pases de temporada para Wild Waves. Fuimos por primera vez a finales de mayo. Fue genial porque no teniamos que esperar en cola y podiamos subir en los juegos todas las veces que quisieramos. El parque de agua abrio en junio pero aun muy frio para jugar. A los chicos les encanta ir a ese parque y lo bonito es que solo queda a 3 millas de nuestra casa. Hemos subido en cada juego incluyendo todos los toboganes en el parque aquatico. Su favorito es la piscina de olas! Nos encanta el verano.